Key Factors to Pay Attention to when Replacing Your Motor – Jun 6, 2020

Obviously, your motor is not going to last forever with the wear and tear it is going to endure during its time in your facility. Needing a replacement is inevitable in this industry and it is vital that you examine the nameplate data on your motor and get the correct corresponding replacement. There are a few key areas of information you need to make sure you are taking into consideration. These include power (Kw), frame size, poles/speed (rpm), voltage, and also the mounting position of your motor.
Let’s break them down.
- Power – It’s very important to make sure that you are replacing your motor with another that can operate at the desired power. If your replacement is not able to meet the desired power level or works at a higher level than it is capable, there could be big problems to the application and motor that is running.
- Frame Size – When looking for a motor for any application, you always want to make sure the configuration is suitable, and the motor will be able to operate. There have been standards set that allow for crossovers to occur from manufacturer to manufacturer. Make sure if you must cross it over, you are crossing it to a compatible configuration otherwise the motor will not fit in your specific application.
- Poles/Speed – It is important to know that some motors are synchronous, and some are asynchronous. For example, if you are replacing your motor with a Seipee motor you will need to know that there is going to be a ‘slip’ with the asynchronous motors representing the losses involved. So, your 2-pole asynchronous motor, will not hit 3600rpm, but it will be right around 3450 or 3500rpm. Make sure your desired rpm is achievable with your replacement or it will not operate at a suitable level.
- Voltage – Voltage is a big factor! Different phase configurations will have differing voltage ratings and installing a motor with a higher or lower voltage could cause the motor to fry and burn up, resulting in another replacement…sooner than expected.
- Mounting Position – Lastly, the mounting position is very important and could probably be classified in the same category as the frame sizing as they both have to do with the outer configuration of the motor. Motors are built for a variety of applications and they must be able to mount in more ways than none. Knowing whether you need a flange, C or D, or if you want the feet on the motor or not, will be a huge factor on whether the motor will fit in your desired application. Don’t make the mistake of overlooking this and finding out the hard way that you need more time to get the mounting correct, possibly resulting in more unplanned downtime and a loss in revenue.
Be thorough in the selection of your motors and pay attention to all the little details of the nameplate data. There are several other things to pay attention to as well, other than those listed above. Things like service factor, protection class, efficiency ratings, and any special customization notes. This is why Seipee keeps our nameplates crystal clear and easy to understand. Keep these points in mind and there will be no issues with your replacement motor not being compatible and working to satisfactory levels!